Designer • Developer • Artist • Educator
Technical Bids

My technical proposals and bids illustrate an ability to envision and understand the components necessary for a successful project. Included below is a link to the project (when the bid was accepted and completed) and or a link to the accompanying PDF file. Please review them for a better understanding of my technical ability, product design, project management, web development, and software architecture skills.

R & D Concept Video

Concept video with core functionality & value proposal of product; Team brainstorming, feedback & review, and design iteration; 3D modeling to create each part of product, in accordance to feedback and compatibility of game engine; Simulation using created 3d assets; Present a narrated concept video of the product’s value proposition.

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Nevada Tourism Summit

Technical management, content integration, feature implementation, and data migration of the Global Tourism Summit 2017 and 2018 CrowdCompass Event App; Assist as “planner” and “admin” roles within the CrowdCompass App Solution before, during, and after the event.

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Film Director Portfolio

Setup web host, domain, and FTP storage; User interface design; HTML5 / CSS3 / JavaScript web development; Search engine optimization (SEO) with Google Search Engine Console; Analytics and user engagement tracking with Google Analytics; Integrated e-commerce solution (Shopify); Stock photo integration solution (Shutterstock).


E-commerce store (Shopify) and domain purchase; User interface / user experience flow design with client review; Logo optimization; Integrated e-commerce solution to sell artworks & products; E-commerce web development; Search engine optimization (SEO); Analytics and user engagement tracking; Use of third-party, on-demand, printing solution (Printful).

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Informational website of client's work and services; Client chose to use Squarespace to lessen build time and costs; Custom UI design from existing theme; Content creation and image editing; Feedback and review to enhance client's existing branding.
