Designer • Developer • Artist • Educator

Mobile and Web Conference App Management

Includes cEvent, CrowdCompass, App Planner, Database Management, Notifications, Schedule, Sponsors, Exhibitors, Attendees, Banner Design, Splashscreen Design, On-event Tech Support, Analytics, Maps, Location Mapping

Governor's Global Tourism Summit Web & Mobile Apps

App Manager for the Nevada Governor's Global Tourism Summit 2017 and 2018. The 2 day conference is hosted annually in Las Vegas or Reno with over 300 attendees, approximately 15 speakers, 15 sponsors, and 20+ exhibitors.

Governor's Global Tourism Summit App Analytics 2018

General analytics for web and mobile apps for the State of Nevada, Governor's Global Tourism Summit 2018.

Global Tourism Summit Apps (Android, iOS, and Web) 2018

I managed the CrowdCompass/Cvent mobile and web applications that hosted the main agenda, attendee, and sponsor informational content and designs. Standardizing logos, created splash screen and banners, made key choices in navigation icons and app UI colors /layout. I integrated design, content, and interactive features, as well as providing live technical support before and during the conference, and data content management with spreadsheets and dashboard.

Global Tourism Summit Apps (Android, iOS, and Web) 2017.

Please see my original 2017 technical bid / project architecture in PDF form.