Designer • Developer • Artist • Educator

Concept Video and Simulation

Includes Concept Video, Unreal 4 Engine, Game Development, Blender, Adobe After Effects and Premier, Game Development, Video Editing, Captions, Animation

Internal Concept Video and Simulation

Contractor for Research and Development company looking to comprise internal concept video. Limited scope documentation as per NDA. Please see my technical bid / project architecture in PDF form.

Unreal Engine 4 Game Development with Animation

Project description: Create a video that will potentially be used as a marketing / advertising / feasibility production video illustrating the concept, function, and value in the proposed product. The final video will include both 2d and 3d elements, i.e. models, motion, textures, effects, lighting, etc. as well as video, text, sound, and may include digital photos and voiceover/captioning. The vendor will create all of the previously listed elements except voiceover and text captioning, which will be provided by the team.

3D Modeling with Blender

Built form-factor of product in Blender, imported 3d assets into Unreal Engine 4 from original SolidCad files, setup Game/Simulation with asset/object generation in Unreal Engine 4 (lighting, materials, animation, props, etc.), added background track and produced video in Adobe Premier, and added text captioning and text animation with Adobe After Effects.

3.5 minute Concept/Pitch Video