Designer • Developer • Artist • Educator

Ruby on Rails Web Development

Includes Ruby on Rails, Social Media, Web/Mobile App, Web Development, Front-end & Back-end Development, Responsive Design, HTML5, CSS3, Embedded Ruby, TDD

The Ruby on Rails, Social Media, Web/Mobile App

I have produced a twitterish, Ruby on Rails, HTML5, mobile web application. I've taught myself through Michael Hartl's resources(rails 3.2, ruby 1.9.3). It is written with Test-Driven-Development and constructed with Ubuntu LTS 12.04, Sublime Text 2, and Terminal. The web app uses an MVC framework, OOP, REST, SCSS, SQLite3, postgreSQL, and the Bootstrap 3 HTML5 framework.

Please visit the remote repository located at Github or visit the app below (signup with fake username and password, is ok).

Features and Implementations

The app contains microposts, friend (un)following with AJAX, instantiation of users, routing, factoryGirl's mock-data population, error flashing and validations, pagination and partials. The application implements bCrypt authentication and security features, with tokens and md5 hashing for REST interaction signup, user-information updating, and admin privileges. It handles up to 50,000 users with a proper remote host; It is deployed to a test server on Heroku, as the web service is free for testing (slower-load times).

Login and Signup

Posts, Feed, and Followers/Following

Paginated Users and Edit Profile